
随着全球市场的扩大,企业和经济也在不断发展. You will, too. With a Marketing degree from SAU, 你将学会如何吸引消费者的眼球, spark 销售, establish a brand.

Our graduates work at Bush Construction, Augeo Affinity Marketing, Bradley University, Central Petroleum Equipment, many others.

Ambrose Advantages

  • 忠诚,敬业的商学院教师
  • Create a Real Marketing Campaign
  • Make Professional Connections

John Byrne talking with students

students in library

Joe Kehoe with student

我们的营销团队都是有着深厚商业关系的专家,您将从中受益. Be taught, mentored, 教授们都想让你实践起来, 毕业前要有实际的市场营销经验. 在SAU,你的动力和我们对你的教育的奉献一样强大.

More 信息rmation on the Marketing Program

What Will I learn?

你需要有一定的商业知识基础, so you'll take core classes in accounting, macro- and microeconomics, finance, management principles, business ethics, statistics. 你还将深入了解消费者行为、国际营销、研究和战略. 选修课包括销售策略、社交媒体营销和体育营销.

Best of all is 如何 you will learn. 在分, 很少有超过25名学生的教室,这意味着我们的教授有时间关注你的目标. 他们通过为你创造机会来支持你的抱负, practice, 并为当地企业和组织的成功做出贡献. 而且,他们galaxy银河娱乐场app基于团队的项目学习的价值.

For example, 五名参加营销策略课程的学生帮助中西部最成熟的公路比赛之一进入了新的营销领域.

Read this story to learn more.

How Can I Supplement My Learning?
  • We know you want to ace your craft, 因此,SAU商学院创建了一个全面的实习项目. You'll get quality, hands-on, 在当地实习时的市场经验, regional, national corporations, including MidAmerican Energy and Deere & 公司. 我们鼓励你完成多次实习-考虑出国-拓宽你的技能和视野,让你在你的职业生涯中领先一步. 点击这里搜索留学项目.
  • Join the SAU Marketing Club是爱荷华州最大的美国营销协会分会. 这个由学生领导的俱乐部(可以在Facebook上查看)会去芝加哥、明尼阿波利斯和圣路易斯市. 路易斯与芝加哥熊队等组织的顶级营销主管面对面会面, Best Buy, Nielsen Media Research, St. 红雀队和BBDO,一个全球性的广告代理网络.
  • Our alumni hold executive, middle management, 以及财富100强公司的入门级职位, nonprofits, small businesses. 让系主任帮你联系一位校友导师或校友导师 BeeConnection是由SAU就业中心提供的资源.
  • Consider a second major, or minor, in Business, which will enhance your marketing skills.
Study Abroad


你可以在另一个国家学习一个学期的长期或短期的海外学习项目(有一些在春假和寒假期间提供)。. No matter the duration, 这些旅行加深了你的专业教育,同时为毕业赢得学分.

也有机会通过交流项目、海外实习或志愿服务. 出国留学的限制只是你为自己设定的! SAU students have studied in Italy, Costa Rica, Australia, 韩国, United Kingdom, 西班牙, Ecuador, 日本, Germany, 秘鲁, 塞浦路斯, Croatia, 伯利兹, 加拿大, 智利, more.

从国外留学地点归来的SAU学生谈论他们的生活改变-个人, emotionally, culturally, academically.

点击这里搜索我们的留学项目, for general information click here.

What are some potential career outcomes?

市场营销专业的学生通常在广告行业工作, market research, professional 销售, 填补市场策略等职位, account executive, social media marketer, media consultant, customer relations manager, consumer behavior specialist.

市场营销专业的学生也可以从事产品管理方面的工作, industrial marketing management, 销售, retailing, or consulting.

What have alumni of this program done?
  • 谢尔比·布克'12是得梅因两河营销公司的客户主管.
  • 约瑟夫·蒂格斯在达文波特的科巴姆任务系统公司工作,担任工程项目管理员.
  • Nick Scobee 17岁,主修管理和市场营销双学位,这是一个很受欢迎的选择,他在位于Muscatine的Allsteel公司担任销售客户专员.

Liang Zhao, PhD, Assoc. Professor
Sarah Luebke,分类. Professor

Degree Requirements


Required Core Courses:
ACCT 201 Accounting Principles I
ACCT 202 Accounting Principles II
ECON 201 Principles of Macroeconomics
ECON 202 Principles of Microeconomics
FNCE 300 Principles of Finance
数学191微积分和分析几何或STBE 137商业中的定性推理
MGMT 210 Principles of Management
MGMT 449 Strategic Management and Policy
MKTG 209 Principles of Marketing
PHIL 305 Business Ethics
STBE 237商业和经济统计

MKTG 319 Consumer Behavior
MKTG 349 International Marketing
MKTG 369 Marketing Research
MKTG 399 Internship
MKTG 499 Marketing Strategy

Plus one elective:
MKTG 329整合营销传播
MKTG 339/SLS 235专业销售策略
MKTG 359 Social Media Marketing
MKTG 379 Services & Event Marketing
MKTG 389 Special Topics


Plan to Graduate

这是建议的学习计划,在四年内毕业,获得市场营销学位. 这个计划假定学生在高中没有学过三年的外语.

Year One

Fall CoursesCreditsSpring CoursesCredits
+ENGL 101 Composition 3 MGMT 210 Principles of Management 3
商业中的定性推理 3 +ECON 202 Principles of Microeconomics 3
+THEO 100/200 course 3 +PHIL 100/200 course 3
MKTG 209 Principles of Marketing 3 +COMM 203 Interpersonal Communication 3
+Humanities - 1st Course 3 +Foreign Language 101 3
NSS 101 New Student Seminar 1 +IL 101 信息 Lit 1
总计 16 总计 16

Year Two

Fall SemesterCreditsSpring SemesterCredits
MKTG Elective 1 3 ACCT 202 Managerial Accounting 3
ACCT 201 Financial Accounting 3 FNCE 300 Principles of Finance 3
ECON 201 Principles of Macroeconomics 3 BUS 201 Legal Environment of Business 3
+Foreign Language 102 3 STBE 237商业和经济统计 3
MKTG 319 Consumer Behavior 3 MKTG 349 Int'l Marketing 3
BUS 200 Life Design 1 +KIN 149 Wellness Concepts 1
总计 16 总计 16

Year Three

Fall SemesterCreditsSpring Semester/Study AbroadCredits
MKTG 369 Marketing Research 3 Study Abroad
+Social Science 3 +Humanities - 2nd Course 3
+Natural Science Gen Ed 3 +THEO/PHIL elective 3
+Creative Arts 3 MKTG elective 2 3
Elective 1 3 Elective 2 3
总计 15 总计 12

Year Four

Fall SemesterCreditsSpring SemesterCredits
+PHIL 305 Business Ethics 3 WI-MGMT 449 Strategic Mgmt and Policy 3
MKTG 499 Marketing Strategy 3 Electives 6, 7 & 8 9
Electives 4 & 5 6 +KIN Activity 1
WI Elective 3 3 *MKTG 399 Internship
总计 15 总计 13

WI writing intensive
+ satisfies General Education requirement
*can be taken junior or senior year

MKTG选修课:329,339,或SLS 235, 359,379,389

Minor in Marketing

MKTG 209 Principles in Marketing

Plus four of the following:
MKTG 319 Consumer Behavior
MKTG 329整合营销传播
MKTG 339 Professional Sales Strategies
MKTG 349 International Marketing
MKTG 359 Social Media Marketing
MKTG 369 Marketing Research
MKTG 379 Services & Event Marketing
MKTG 389 Special Topics


Meet One of Our 校友

我们的校友和学生正在为自己开辟道路, 这已经成为St. Ambrose. 了解更多galaxy银河娱乐场appgalaxy银河娱乐场app成员的信息:

Matt Those Mobile size headshot Matt Thole Headshot

Matt Thole

Bachelor of Arts degrees in Business Sales, Marketing, Finance,Account Executive at Kunkel and Assoc.,雇员福利和商业财产和意外事故部,2019级

在SAU, Matt发现了一个鼓励创新和坚韧的教育环境. He jumped into 销售 competitions, served as a Resident Advisor, led retreats, competed in intermural sports. 他对卓越的不懈追求得到了回报:3个学位——只用了3年就拿到了.5年,毕业后有一份工作等着他.

See My Story

应用 访问 信息


College of Business
McMullen Hall
518 W. Locust St.
Davenport, IA 52803

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